Wesley Friske, PhD

I am Endowed Chair and Associate Professor of Marketing at Missouri State University.
My broad research area is marketing strategy. Specifically, I am interested in the marketing-entrepreneurship interface and the sustainability and marketing systems dimensions of macromarketing. My work at the marketing-entrepreneurship interface appears or is forthcoming in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ET&P), International Small Business Journal (ISBJ), Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (JBIM), Journal of Business Logistics (JBL), Journal of Macromarketing (JMK), and Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (JRME). More recently, my research activity at the marketing-entrepreneurship interface has focused on how companies (particularly SMEs) use novel techniques to develop new products and services. Studies from this line of work appear or are forthcoming in Industrial Marketing Management (IMM), Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (JBIM), and Journal of Business Research (JBR). Research related to the sustainability and systems dimensions of macromarketing appears or is forthcoming in Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of Macromarketing (JMK), and Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (JMTP), among others.
I have taught the following classes throughout my career: Sports Marketing, Principles of Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research, Advanced Marketing Research, Marketing Analytics, and MBA Seminar in Marketing. In addition to the above classes, I have supervised approximately 30 students for directed learning assignments while at Missouri State University.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, fly fishing, and exploring the Ozarks with my wife and son.